No. Jacob Asked Bella If He Could Be But She Had To Say No Knowing That She Was In Love With Him.
He Showed Up At The Wedding Anyway AFTER The Ceremony As A Gift To Bella. Bella Referes To Him As Her Best Man But On A Technocalicty, He Wasn't.
At a typical wedding, the bride or the groom picks a close friend to be the "best man". it is kind of like an honor. Also, if a father or brother isn't able to walk the bride down the isle, then the best man will. In this case, Bella chose Jacob to be her best man, but he did not show. Obviously. Because he was being a werewolf. In Canada.
Julia Roberts co-starred with Dermot Mulroney, Cameron Diaz and Rupert Everett in 'My Best Friend's Wedding'.
I'm not sure what your question is, but if it is did Bella date Jacob in he book, the answer is no, although they did kiss
Mark Callaway's best friend, Brian Lee (Chainz) was the best man at his wedding.
Depends. Are Team Edward or Team Jacob Or Team Switzerland?Team Edward Is TwiTeamEdwardTeam Jacob Is TwiTeamJacobTeam Switzerland Is TwiTeamSwitzerland.Was That Okay???
Jacob Black calls them bloodsuckers, leeches, parasites, etc. You can take your pick of which one you like best :D lol
Jacob Black is Bella's 'best man' but Carisle is Edward's best man. So the official best man at the wedding is Carlisle.
Jacob Black - Bella's 'favourite mechanic'
Edward Cullen, Bella's vampire partner, wants his brother Emmett Cullen to be the best man at their wedding in the Twilight series.
He dosent, In breaking Dawn- Jacob stands there worrying-like an oaf. To save Bella from dying when giving birth to little reneseme, Edward takes a needle and injects some of his venom into bellas Heart. So eddy saves her- not that mans best friend (jacob black)
just happy to see her best friend. This was the best website I could find for this particular show. There was nothing else available. Enjoy!
Jacob Best died in 1861.
Jacob Best was born in 1786.
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Thanks for being the best man (as in the best of ALL men, NOT as in best man at a wedding) Or, thanks for being the best of all men
All the twilight books besides breaking dawn is through bellas prespective.
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