As a brit, I took it that this refered to pleading the Fifth Amendment - ie. that they cannot be compelled to be a witness against themselves Pleading the Fifth means you refuse to testify under oath in a court of law because you feel your answers could be used against you.
What he means if every 'fifth' of liquor dey drunk was 'if' den a lot of stuff would be different
Do you mean Trenyce who left American Idol in season 2 in Fifth place on 30 April 2003
It's basically what scene's call themselves, and others call them that to. The original word is Scene.
a triad with no third. its just the perfect fifth.
in the fifth? the Ministry was experimenting with weird things in that room. he fell through a veil that leads to death, the land of the dead, heaven/hell, whatever you want to call it.
The Fifth.
A quintagonist.
Do you mean what does it mean to plead the fifth? This would refer to your fifth amendment right not to say anything that would be self-incrementing.
Usually the medical term for the fifth toe is fifth toe. You could also call it the fifth digit of the foot, or the fifth pedal digit. The layman's term for the fifth toe is the pinky toe.
You could call it the fifth finger, fifth digit, or digiti minimi.
One fifth of a gram is typically called 0.2 grams.
You mean when was- it was the 5th of this month.
In a sequence, the one after the fourth.Fifth is an ordinal number. It means the number five item in a series."A fifth" can mean one of five equal parts of the whole. It can also mean a fifth of a gallon of whiskey.
call of duty world at war is the 5th
the fifth wheel
Assuming you mean her fifth single, that would be Bad Romance.
Josh is in fifth grade in the novel The Cow Call Boy.