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FX, the network, is an abbreviation for "Fox Extended". The "X" comes from the second letter of the second word, and implies "effects" on the network, due to the pronounciation.

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Q: What does FX stand for on tv?
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What channel is FX on Direct TV?

i think fx is channel 23

What cable companies carry Fox FX?

Most Cable TV companies carry the FX channel. FX may be in a different tier if you cannot find it with your current cable lineup. Satellite television also carries FX.

What television shows are popular on the FX channel?

"Television shows that are popular on the FX channel are Archer, Justified, Sons of Anarchy and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia; these are ""original"" programs by the FX channel."

When will Damages air on the FX Channel?

The TV show Damages no longer airs on the FX channel. Damages aired for 5 seasons on both FX and the DirecTV channel.

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Where can one find a programming lineup for Infinity FX?

A program line up for TV channel Infinity FX can be found on TV guide websites such as TVGuide. The TV Schedule can also be found on the official website of the Infinity FX channel and also TV Review sites.

Where can you find the FX schedule?

The television schedule for the FX channel can either be seen in TV Guide, online at locatetv or also on TV Guide's website and on FXnetwork's website.

When was the channel Fx founded?

FX channel was first launched in June 1994. FX is owned by News Corporation's Fox Entertainment Group and relates to a number of pa television channels.

What does Harley Davidson's FX stand for?

harley davidson super glide was called an fx

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What is FX stands for?

A quick search on the internet reveals that FX can stand for a very long list of things. Two examples are that FX, in the music industry, could stand for Effects (special/sound), or in the wider world, stand for Foreign Exchange.