AVP Alien vs- Predator - FX Special Event - 2005 TV was released on:
USA: 19 January 2005
Saturday Night's Main Event - 1985 was released on: USA: 10 May 1985
The Carrington Event - 2013 was released on: USA: 11 May 2013 (Cape Fear Independent Film Festival)
event organizer - organises an event venue - is where an event is planned to occur
9 p.m unless its a special event then it starts at 8p.m
Coogan Auto - 2013 The Jerry Coogan Axl Rose Birthday and Free Hotdog Sales Event 1-4 was released on: USA: 2013
It's mainly plotted in the idea that the Predator's came to this planet long ago and visited the peoples of ancient Mexico who hailed them as gods come to earth, the Predator's would "impregnate" the indigenous people to host the Alien fetuses till they were ready to blast out of the chests of the sacrificial where the Predator's would then hunt the Alien's for sport. In the event that for whatever reason the Predator's would fail and the Alien's would get out of control, they would use their self destruct feature and wipe everything out. This is the reason for the monicker "Alien vs. Predator". There is of course more to the story, but too much to type.
Huell Howser Special Event - 2011 TV was released on: USA: 31 March 2011 (limited)
Hollywood 411 - 2008 The Event Behind the Scenes Special was released on: USA: 17 September 2010
SoCal Now - 2008 How to Plan a Special Event - 1.14 was released on: USA: 2009 USA: 2009
That event has not yet happened.
you could get it in a event in 2009 or if your alien calf grows up in the baby barn
event horizing
you have to have gameshark or go to a special event you have to have gameshark or go to a special event
It's as real as that alien sighting in Jeruselum.
Planning a special event is much easier when you hire special event planners. These planners will worry about all of the small details so that you don't have to.
You can search for special event catering on the website Special Events Catering. They have great listings.
go to a special event in n.y.c go to a special event in n.y.c