It's the FPCON level that applies when evidence of terrorist attack planning may exist requiring strong protective measures, but the installation must continue its regular mission activities.
no thats mean
charlie doesn't want to know everything about the supernatural, he's honestly freaked about it, and when Jacob phases in front of him he realizes the less he knows the better.
Charlie Caplin, i think.LOL :)
I believe it was a term/word invented by Jazz great Charlie Parker . It was an in joke amongst his contemporaries/fellow band members etc.
The five force protection conditions (FPCON) are FPCON Normal, FPCON Alpha, FPCON Bravo, FPCON Charlie, and FPCON Delta. These conditions are used to communicate the current threat level and guide security measures to be implemented accordingly.
Force protection condition level Charlie (FPCON Charlie) is a threat level designation used by the US military indicating that an incident has occurred or intelligence has been received indicating that some form of terrorist action is imminent. At FPCON Charlie, additional security measures beyond those at normal FPCON Bravo are implemented to protect personnel and resources.
FPCON Charlie
FPCON CHARLIE describes a situation when a global terrorist attack has occurred or when intelligence reports that there is local terrorist activity imminent.
FPCON Charlie is used to prepare for imminent threats of a general.
Threat levels are used by the military to communicate the level of potential threat. There are four threat levels: low, guarded, elevated, and high. Force Protection Conditions (FPCON) are measures that dictate security levels at military installations based on assessed threat levels. There are five FPCON levels: normal, alpha, bravo, charlie, and delta. The higher the threat level or FPCON level, the more stringent security measures and restrictions are enforced to ensure the safety and security of personnel and assets.
Commander assigned AT responsibility
Commander assigned AT responsibility