It's Facility Maintenance Fee, a fee that goes to the upkeeping of the stage, microphones and such.
$50 a ticket
hang out backstage???? and you get to meet them
Nope. If you are looking for a stub to keep as a souvenir, buy a hard ticket instead.
they all have the date time the name of the band or person on it and where you bought it.
where can I get a ticket for the next mattyb concert
You don't take your baby to a concert.
you mean kx100? yes
Concert tickets are usually available from the venue itself where the concert is going to be. They can also be bought online from ticket agencies that the venue and the artist have agreed to market the tickets.
45 dollars.
$50 a ticket
if the ticket is for a Jonas brothers concert you can but if the ticket is an airline ticket you cant.
it depends on what concert ur at
Yes. Just not THAT concert...
No you just get priority parking.