They wear the traditional farmer's getup: overalls and leafy crowns.
There are twelve districts. Katniss Everdeen belongs to District twelve. Every year there is The Hunger Games. One boy and one girl from each district compete until the finish. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark get picked from the reaping. They fall in love and win The HUnger Games.
Rue was from District 11 in the Hunger Games.
District 14.
Who is Jason? Theres no Jason!
Haymitch is the mentor of the District 12 tributes in The Hunger Games series. He is the only District 12 tribute to ever win the Hunger Games (except for Peeta and Katniss). He is a mentor to Peeta and Katniss throughout the Hunger Games series.
district 7 worked with lumber in the hunger games
He was from District 2.
Lily? There is no Lily in the Hunger Games
District 5
District 12
district 7
He was from District 2.
There is nobody named "Mo" in the Hunger Games.
the climate for the hunger games
In the 74th Hunger Games, 11 people were killed in the opening bloodbath, most of them likely by the Careers. In the book, Clove killed the boy from District 9, but the rest of the deaths are unknown.
Katniss and Peeta are the two Tributes from District 12 who won the 74th annual Hunger Games.
In the 74th Hunger Games, every district but 12 lost both members.