Cho has long, glossy black hair, pale skin, and almond shaped brown eyes. She has unusually long eyelashes for an Asian girl, but is described as very pretty.
Her real name is Cho Chang. The actress who played her is called Katie Leung.
Nobody killed Cho Chang, she survived the series. Cho later married an unnamed muggle man.
She is from Japan.
Yes she is.
The character's correct name is Cho (full name Cho Chang). Played by Katie Leung.
Cho Chang did not die.
Cho Chang did not die.
Cho Chang is the girl who had Harry Potter's first kiss
Young-Chang Cho was born in 1958.
Yes, it was stated that Cho Chang was of Chinese descent.
Cho Chang is in the house Ravenclaw in Hogwarts
No. Cho was a Ravenclaw.
Cho Chang is in Ravenclaw.
Ron,did not like Cho for she dated his best friend Harry in 3rd year.
Her real name is Cho Chang. The actress who played her is called Katie Leung.
cedric didnt like her
In the books, Cho's best friend is Marietta Edgecombe, but in the film, it does not say.