Her real name is Cho Chang. The actress who played her is called Katie Leung.
Margaret Cho's birth name is Margaret Moran Cho.
The character's correct name is Cho (full name Cho Chang). Played by Katie Leung.
Cho Cho Cheng was born on December 29, 1985.
he made a robot
Marietta Edgecombe
In the books, Cho's best friend is Marietta Edgecombe, but in the film, it does not say.
Chauljihn Cho's birth name is Chauljihn Daniel Cho.
John Cho's birth name is John Yohan Cho.
Elliott Cho's birth name is Elliot Youngkyu Cho.
Margaret Cho's birth name is Margaret Moran Cho.
In the books, Cho's best friend is Marietta Edgecombe, but in the film, it does not say.
no just for fat people
Ron,did not like Cho for she dated his best friend Harry in 3rd year.
Cho Chang is probably Chinese.
Maybe Cho Kyuhyun/Kyuhyun
The Chang family is called the Changs.