She translates the battle hymn of the republic into Arabic, then Korean sign language.
Bella says this because Alice can see the future, so anything Alice predicts will most likely come true. Alice has seen in her visions that Bella will become a vampire. Edward doesn't want such a future for Bella. He's against it. And then Bella says - I'm betting on Alice. As in, 'I think she will be right'.
Never Think by Robert Pattinson appears in the scene where Edward is sucking the venom from Bella, while Alice, Emmet and Jasper are "taking care" of James.The song "Never Think" sung by Robert Pattinson actuallyappears in the scene where Bella and Edward are at the Italian restaurant.
Carlisle CullenJasper HaleEdward CullenEsme CullenAlice CullenRosalie HaleEmmett CullenRennesme Cullen (born into vampireism)Bella Cullen
that's a matter of opinion....but i think the hottest guys are Jacob with short hair and Emmett....the girls i think Alice and jessica maybe Bella... EDWARD CULLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(ROBBERT PATTERSON) i agree that its a matter of your own opinion but what kind of fan are you if you cant even spell EDWARD CULLEN or ROBERT PATTINSON
well, it depends on how you think of it. she does kiss Jacob while dating edward but he has given her permission to do so. and she admits to being in love with him, but edward forgives her even though she feels horrible about it. so, if you think that cheating then yes.
that's how it is in the outside world, but i think on the inside Jasper is the oldest, then either Edward or Alice and the Rosalie and Emmett. i think
It goes Jasper (20), Emmett and Alice (19), Rosalie and Bella (18), and Edward (17)
edward never kidnaps Bella. he has Alice kidnap her in like chapter 4 or 5 i think.
If you want oldest to youngest of when they all became vampires, I think it's Jasper, Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, and then Alice
the eldest is jasper. thenEdward then Rosalie then Emmet then Alice and Bella is the youngest. actually its Rosalie and Emmett ,then Alice Edward and Jasper Rosalie and Emmet are the same Age Edward and Jasper are the same age then Bella jasper and Emmett are both 20 then Rosalie is 19 then Alice and Bella are 18 (do they think of each other as twins) then the youngest is Edward Cullen?
In the film he's in the same year as Bella, Edward & Alice - so i think around 18?
Well it all depends on what you think. I think Edward, Bella, Alice, Renesmee, Jacob, and all the Cullens are awesome!!! best characters are definitely Edward, Bella, Renesmee, Alice, Rosalie, Emmet. JACOB IS NOT AWESOME!!!!!! (someone else) Amen!! Jacob SUCKSS!!!!!
i don't think Alice was making her scared it was just the venom that Bella was scared about
Edward is 17, Jasper is 18 - they say Edward is youngest in his family, not adding the hales, Alice is 17, Rosalie 18, and I THINK Emmett is 18
Emmett and Alice were changed at 19. Rosalie and Bella were changed at 18. Edward was changed at 17. I think Jasper was 20 when he was changed.
No it is not. First, Edward was turned. Then Esme. Then Alice was turned. Next Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmet. I think I'm right. I know the thing about Rosalie and Emmet and Alice and Jasper is right, but now about who came first between both groups. Hopefully that helped.
She says that because if Bella turns into a vampire Edward Would not love her. Bye!