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if you take a trip to the forest where the lorax lives, you will find a stream. In this stream there is a magical cat fish who if caught, will tell you what to use instead of a capo, because nobody knows what the hell a "capo" is....

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Q: What do you use instead of a capo?
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Related questions

What capo is D?

Put the capo on the second fret and use the "C" chord configuration - this is equivalent to a "D" with no capo.

What is that thing that guitar players attach to the neck and fretboard to shorten the strings and raise the pitch?

A Capo. I use a shub or chub capo. Very nice.

How do you set everything down one half step on a guitar using a capo?

You can only go full steps with a capo and only down if the capo is already in use.

Can you use a capo on an electric guitar?


What capo do Tegan and Sara use?

They use Dunlop capos.

How do you make a capo?

use pencil and rubber band.

Do you have to use a capo on a song that says capo2?

Yes- that means put a capo on the second fret- otherwise you will be playing it in the wrong key

Is it possible to play third day's version of god of wonders without a capo?

A capo basically just lets you play chords you don't actually know... that is, it lets you use the fingering for a C chord to play, say, an E chord instead. You don't actually NEED a capo to play any piece of music if you know the chords involved, it just makes it easier (some chords have difficult fingerings).

What are some good acoustic songs that use a capo?

Any acoustic song can use a capo. A capo changes the key of the song, and can be used to make any acoustic song higher so that it is easier to sing for the performer. If you have difficulty playing a certain song, try placing a capo on the first fret and moving it up the frets one at time until it is in your singing range.

What is the birth name of Jennifer Capo?

Jennifer Capo's birth name is Jennifer Lynn Capo.

Do you need a guitar capo for fifteen by Taylor swift?

No you dont need a capo, you could put it on 1 but Taylor Swift doesnt use one, so its not necessary

If you put capo on 2nd fret and play D chord what is equivalent without capo?

If you use the G fingering with the capo on the third fret, you are playing a Bb chord, which is three half-tones higher than G. If you wish to play in the key of G with the capo on the third fret, use the typical fingering for E, which is three half-tones lower than G.