according to The Vampire Diaries (by LJ Smith) they are Were-foxes or Kitsunes
Seth is the werewolf that feels comforetable around the cullens and other vampires. Jacob is starting to warm up to them because who he thought was his love, bella, was turned into a vampire and his real love, renesmee, who he ended up imprinting on, is half vampire and half human.
As near as I can translate, it would be the Spanish term Bruja, which is a witch that can transform into various animals and attack children.
Yes he is a half-blood wizard. He was the son of Merope Gaunt, a pure-blood witch and a descendant of Salazar Slytherin and a muggle Tom Riddle Sr.
Paige is the Charmed One's half sister. She had the same mom, but a different dad. Her dad was Patty's Whitelighter Sam. Paige doesn't have witch powers, but she does have whitelighter powers. She is still considered a witch. she is also played by Rose McGowan.
The Half Blood Prince in the Harry Potter book series is Professor Severus Snape. Snapes father was a muggle and his mother was a witch whose last name was Prince.
half of a real werewolf It is actually called a Lycanthrope. Lycan coming from King Lycaon who was turned into a werewolf by Zeus for serving him human flesh. It is not called "half of a real werewolf" it is officially called a lycanthrope. Hybird
I believe the word you're looking for is Minotaur (half man, half ox). If not, perhaps a later edit will provide you with what you're looking for.
Half Blood. A Muggle Born Is Two Muggles Who have A Witch/Wizard Child (:
Nothing. There is no such thing. Unless he is an "office" wolf. In fictional terms you might be thinking of a werewolf, but lycanthropes are not half of the animal into which they transform.
A half-white and half-black child is called a Multiracial.
loxart Laestrogens, cannibals giants in greek mythology Loch Ness monster Lamia, a type of witch, half woman half snake Leviathan Leprechaun Lycanthrope (werewolf)
A "werewolf".
The character's in the Summoning are: Chloe Saunders-Necromancer Derek-Werewolf Simon Bae-Sorcerer Rachelle/Rae-Half Demon Victoria/Tori-Witch Liz-I think is a Shaman
The answer is a Weregon half dragon body half wolf head