Same as always; they are a lawless group taking over ships and stealing the cargo, sometimes killing and the crew; the ransom the crew. They do not confine themselves or their acts to the sea - they have 'evolved' into street gangs as well. Stealing, raping, pilaging is pretty much their MO.
pirates were people who were on ships and had treasures maps to find treasures
movie pirates
pirates,however pirates,however, pirates:however, pirates;however, these are the answers to choose from which is it
Peterborough Pirates ended in 2002.
Nami hates Pirates cause, pirates were the ones that killed someone important to guessing it was her step mom.....
There are books about Pirates of the Caribbean, but they have nothing to do with the movies. Rob Kidd wrote books about Jack in his childhood based off of the movies. The movies are based off pf the original Pirates ride at Disneyworld, but the 4th installment is also based off a book called On Stranger Tides. Though i am not sure who the author is, sorry about that.
Pirates created pirates.
it is what pirates do
Are pirates real today? Yes,but not like the pirates like in pirates of the cariben stealing in a sence says your a pirate.
Pirates of the Caribbean
A group of pirates is called a tango of pirates.
There are no baby pirates, only babies born to pirates.
Pirates like gold. Pirates do not like Ninjas.
What pirates?
to be free.
pirates in missouri
what are pirates purpose