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well frogs sit on them so maybe the frogs take a bite now and then? frogs do not eat lily pads. There are several critters than can eat your lily pads, from certain fish to aphids and snails and larval caterpillar type bugs.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

no lily pads do not eat because they are plants but they do have roots.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

this is a water plant

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Q: What do lily pads eat?
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What eats lily pads?

no lily pads do not eat because they are plants but they do have roots.

Do frogs eat lily pads?

Some species of frogs may eat small parts of lily pads, such as the algae or insects that gather on them. However, frogs primarily eat insects, small invertebrates, and other small animals rather than vegetation like lily pads.

Do frogs eat lilly pads?

Frogs primarily consume insects, small animals, and other creatures. Lilly pads are not a typical part of a frog's diet, although they may occasionally eat algae or small invertebrates found on the lily pads.

Do pond snails eat lily pads?

i think so

Will mosquitoes eat lily pads?

No.They only feed on blood.

Are lily pads endangered?

i am not sure if lily pads are endangered.

Do snails eat lily pads?

No Snails tend to eat small leaves and sometimes small animals!

Do turtles eat lily pads?

A lilypad is the name given to the floating leaves of a waterlily, leaves cannot be pollinated but bees do pollinate the flowers of waterlilies.

Where do lily pads come from?

lily padnoun (plural lily pads) # The round leaf of a water lily, which floats on the surface of the water.

What eats what in a pond?

frogs eat lily pads,aphids eat shore plants, and ladybugs eat aphids now who eats alge:(

Are lily pads and water lily are the same?

No, lily pads and water lilies are not the same. Lily pads are the large, flat leaves that float on the surface of the water, while water lilies are the beautiful flowers that bloom on long stalks above the water. Water lilies are attached to the bottom of the pond, whereas lily pads float on the surface.

Where can one buy lily pads online?

Lily pads can be found at the Hardy water lilies website and the The Tree Nursery website in their lily pad section. You can also buy artificial lily pads online.