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Q: What did paul edward Anderson lifted?
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What is the heaviest weight ever lifted?

on June 12th, 1957, Paul Anderson raised 6270 with his back, this is the heaviest weight ever lifted to date. here are some links to his lifting:

When did Edward H. Anderson die?

Edward H. Anderson died in 1928.

When did Edward O. Anderson die?

Edward O. Anderson died in 1977.

When was Edward O. Anderson born?

Edward O. Anderson was born in 1891.

When was George Edward Anderson born?

George Edward Anderson was born in 1860.

When did George Edward Anderson die?

George Edward Anderson died in 1928.

When was J. Edward Anderson born?

J. Edward Anderson was born in 1927.

When was Edward H. Anderson born?

Edward H. Anderson was born in 1858.

Whats the most a human has ever lifted?

The most weight a human ever lifted was 6,270 pounds. Paul Anderson was included in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1957 for the heaviest being a back of a lift by a human being.

When did John Edward Anderson die?

John Edward Anderson died on 2011-07-29.

When was John Edward Anderson born?

John Edward Anderson was born on 1917-09-12.

What did Charles edward Anderson do?

Charles Edward Anderson was born in 1919 (August 13) If we are talking about the same Charles Edward Anderson Black African American that has accomplished alot