carl grimes from the walking dead
Edward Anthony Masen Cullen is his full name.
His full name is Harry Edward Styles
His last name is Cullen, and his full name is Edward Anthony Masen Cullen.
John Cena's full name is John Felix Anthony Cena.
Jedward is the stage name of twin Irish singers John and Edward Grimes (born October 16, 1991). Their full names are John-Paul Henry Daniel Richard Grimes and Edward-Peter Anthony Kevin Patrick Grimes.
No, Lisa is not the mother of John and Edward Grimes. Their mother's name is Susanna.
Grimes - Edward and John Grimes are their names
The name 'Jedward' comes from the twins' names John and Edward. The boys also say that their mother kind of came up with the name, Jedward. When she thought one of them was John, but it was actually Edward, she'd say J...edward :)
Edward Grimes.
John and Edward Grimes <3
john and edward grimes
Their second name is John and Edward Grimes
John and Edward Grimes' parents are John and Susanna Grimes. Susanna's maiden name is not known. They also have an older brother, Kevin.
The Answer Is... john and edward Johnson
Edward Grimes's birth name is Edward Peter Anthony Kevin Patrick Grimes.
edward peter Anthony Kevin Patrick grimes =:)