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Peeta wore a "flaming" costume for the opening ceremony, a simple suit for the interview with Caesar, and the same thing Katniss wore for the actual games.

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Peeta wears a black suit with flame accents.

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Q: What did Peeta Mellark wear in the 74th Hunger Games?
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Who was the tribute to die on the 74th Hunger Games?

All of the tributes except Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark died in the 74th anual Hunger Games!

What books are in The Hunger Games?

Inference in The Hunger Games book is basically Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Gale, and Prim. People die Katniss and Peeta win The 74th Annual Hunger Games. That's basically it!

Do both Peeta Mellark and Katniss both win the Hunger Games?

They win victory houses and gifts for district 12.

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the first person the be chosen for the 74th hunger game sin disrict 12 was Prim Everdeen, katniss' little sister, so katniss volenteer for her, then peeta mellark was chosen.

Who is peetas stylist?

Portia is the stylist of Peeta in the 74th and 75th Hunger Games.

Who is in district 12 in the Hunger Games?

Katniss and Peeta are the two Tributes from District 12 who won the 74th annual Hunger Games.

What was peeta's score in the hunger games?

It is about as 'hot as a coal stove' in Katnisses mind.

Who is the only living victor of district 12?

The only District Twelve tributes who were victors are Haymitch Albernathy, victor of the 50th Hunger Games which was a Quarter Quell with twice as many tributes. Katniss Everdeen, victor of the 74th and 75th Hunger Games, also winning a Quarter Quell where past victors were put back into the Hunger Games, and Peeta Mellark, victor of the 74th and 75th Hunger Games an other competitor of the Quarter Quell

What skills did Peeta use in the Hunger Games?

In the 74th annual hunger games, Peeta threw knives for the careers and camouflaged himself to survive. He was also very strong, but never really used that ability in the games.

What is Peeta in The Hunger Games?

Peeta is a protagonist, along with Katniss' lover, boy Tribute in the 74th and 75th Hunger Games, father of two children, baker, and nicknamed "boy with the bread" and "Lover Boy".

What year was the hunger gmae s that katniss was in?

She was in the 74th Hunger Games, and won with Peeta, and she was in the 75th Quater Quell Games, and nobody won that because it was distrupted.

Which annual hunger game are they competing in?

In the first Hunger Games book, Katniss, Peeta, and the 22 other tributes are compeating in the 74th Annual Hunger Gmaes.