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Q: What did Kishaya Dudley have to say about Michael Jackson?
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What rhymes with Michael Jackson?

You can say "Michael Jackson causes such a reaction ..."

How do you say i love Michael Jackson in Spanish?

te amo Michael Jackson

Who is more famous Michael Jackson or paul macartney?

Of course, Michael Jackson. He is the King of Pop. Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson sang "The girl is mine" and "Say, Say, Say" songs together.

Is Michael Jackson evil?

No Michael Jackson is nothing near evil no matter what they say.

How many words can you make from the name Michael Jackson?

Nobody will be able to say all of them, but here are a few. The words they make are in capitals: michael jackSON (Son) MichAel jacksoN (Man) miCHaEl jaCKson (Check) michaEl jackSON (Nose) micHaEl jACkson (Ache)

Who wrote the song 'Say Say Say'?

The song "Say Say Say", released in 1983, was written and performed by Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney.

How do you say rest in peace Michael Jackson in french?

RESTE EN PAiX Michael Jackson

In say say say was the girl Michael Jackson liked his sister?

Yes it was his sister LaToya Jackson.

Who is more famous Michael Jackson or Martin Luther King Jr?

i would say michael jackson

If you got to meet Michael Jackson what would you do and say?

MICHAEL!!!! HOW DID YOU DO THAT?I'd say in quote "Hi Michael Jackson nice to meet you i love your music ,goodbye A friendly hug.

Did Elvis say Michael Jackson was king?


Why does Michael Jackson say he he?

Just an expression.