Paul Revere was born on January 1, 1735
Edward William Day was born in 1901.
Ryan Day was born on 1980-03-23.
On the Day that You Were Born by Red Grammer On the day that Matthew was born On the day that Matthew was born On the day that Matthew was born The angels sang and blew on their horns And they danced, they danced They smiled and raised up their hands On the day, on the day that Matthew was born On the day that Shayda was born.... On the day Alisha was born.... On the day that _____ was born... Right now somewhere someone's being born Somewhere right now someone's being born Right now somewhere someone's being born And the angels are singing and they're blowin' on their horns And they're dancin', they're dancin' They're smilin' and raisin' up their hands ‘Cause right now somewhere someone's being born, Raisin' up their hands... On the day, on the day each one of us was born
Monday March 14th, 2050.
Mansa Kankou Musa was born in the Mali Empire of Northwestern Africa. Unfortuantley there is no surviving historical records that name the time or place of his birth. Most likely it was in or near the Mali Empire's capital city of Niani which is in modern day Guinea.
It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.It will be 13 years after you were born, so that depends on what day, month and year you were born, which you have not specified.
in that day Allah save musa and his group from their enmy ( faraon ) by opning the sea for them and close it when thire enmy become in the midel of sea
First it depends on the year it is now and what day its too.Then on the year and the day you were born.
I was born on October 8th how about you ?
Any day is a good day to be born
People are born every day of the year, including New Year's Eve, Christmas Day and National Dill Pickle Day. On the average, 1 in every 365.25 people gets born on New Year's Eve (or any other day).
No, mythology does not give us Athena's day and year of birth.
pocahontas was born in 1595
Don't know which day but I can tell you he was born in the year 1927
it is unknown. she was born in the year 1797 no actual day was found.