26/06/10 (also the day the Pandorica opens, the day the Doctor is wiped from existence, the day the episode is first shown on T.V)
Rory (the Roman)
1. "A Wedding on Waltons Mountain" (1982) Erin's Wedding. 2. "Mother's Day on Waltons Mountain" (1982) Mary Ellen's Wedding and Mother's Day. 3. "A Day of Thanks on Walton's Mountain" (1982) Family comes home for Thanksgiving. 4. "A Walton Thanksgiving Reunion" (1993) Thanksgiving Special. 5. "A Walton Wedding" (1995) John Boy's Wedding. 6. "A Walton's Easter" (1997) Easter, John & Olivia's 40th Wedding Anniversary, the birth of John Boy's first child.
If you are not a member of the wedding party a formal dress or suit would be acceptable to wear. If you are a member of the party, you must follow suit with the rest of the party's attire.
Amy Eskridge's birth name is Amy Goldwert.
Amy Nuara's birth name is Amy Caroline Nuara.
Rory (the Roman)
Rory Williams played by Arthur Darvill.
the regeneratig girl in the space suit is Amy ponds daghtor and the girl is a time lord so is Amy pond
I don't believe any of the "Doctor Who" episodes mentions that.
She had her ring on today
I don't think that has been mentioned in any of the episodes.
R.J. Cantu
enchanted, standing still, the wedding date, are some :)
Well I thinking I would say you have a..... 30-40% chance of rain on you wedding day.
No, there are not. Amy Lee doesn't share any personal information of her private life but does share pictures of her doing other things. But she will not show things that show affection for another person such as, a wedding.
The cast of Ultimate Wedding Guide - 2007 includes: Amy Snively as Narrator