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Q: What contains the famous Butterfly Star cluster?
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Which constellation contains the famous butterfly star cluster?

The cluster is in scorpius.

What constellation contains the famous butterfly cluster?

The famous butterfly cluster, also known as M6 or the Butterfly Nebula, is located in the constellation Scorpius. It is a beautiful open star cluster that can be observed with binoculars or a small telescope.

Which is larger a star or a star cluster?

A star cluster is a cluster of stars, so clearly a star cluster must be larger.

What is the color of the Pleiades?

The Pleiades is a open star cluster. It contains mostly blue-white type stars, so the colour of the cluster would appear to be blue-white. However, it is a cluster and not a single star. See related question.

What is the difference between a galaxy cluster and a galaxy super cluster?

A globular cluster contains hundreds of thousands of starsAn open cluster contain less than a few hundred stars.A galaxy contains billions of stars.

What type of star is Praesepe?

The Beehive Cluster (Praesepe) is an open cluster in the constellation Cancer.It is not a single star.

Are there now more than 500 Stars in The Pleiades Constellation or Cluster?

Yes, the Pleiades star cluster contains over 1,000 confirmed members, although only a subset of these are visible to the naked eye. They are also known as the Seven Sisters.

What is a n expansive cloud of stars that are formed from the same original matter is called?

That is called a star cluster. Star clusters are groups of stars that are bound together by gravity and formed from the same parent molecular cloud.

What is the closest star cluster?

Because a star cluster is not definitely defined, many may fit the request.The Ursa Major Moving Group is roughly 80 light years from us.The Hyades star cluster is the nearest open cluster at 153 light years.The Pleiades is an open cluster at around 400 light years.

Is a galaxy the biggest star cluster?

A Star Cluster is a cluster of stars found within a galaxy or the intergalactic medium, and they don't usually have supermassive black hole centers or spiral arms. Star clusters contain around a thousand stars, compared to the Milky Way's 300 billion stars. In short, a galaxy is not classified as a star cluster.

What is the name given to the huge group of stars that are close toghther?

A cluster or star cluster

What is the major star in Sextans A?

Sextans A is a dwarf galaxy in our local cluster (outside the milky way and indeed the member of the cluster furthest away form us). As a galaxy it contains millions of stars and you can not easily identify the major stars in it. However I do note that there appears to be a bright (orange colored) star in Sextans A. This star is a member of our galaxy and is not in Sextans A. I am afraid I do not know the designation/name of this star, but one could look it up on star charts.