The platform is described as being formed of pink granite, as are the mountain, castle rock and all the other rock features of the island.
The platform is made of pink granite, just like all the other rocks on the island, including the mountain and castle rock.
The natural pool is close to the platform and the shelters.
I guess the platform can symbolize a place of order and civilization. Assemblies were always held there, under the green and sweeping fronds, to discuss problems and strategies on how to survive on the island
Lord of the Flies is narrated from a third person viewpioint.
The platform is made of pink granite, just like all the other rocks on the island, including the mountain and castle rock.
In "Lord of the Flies," Jack's hair color is golden or blonde. This hair color symbolizes his leadership, charisma, and savage nature as the story progresses.
The natural pool is close to the platform and the shelters.
It symbolises a place of comfort for the boys and it is also a place of order and civilisation. All the meetings were held at the platform.
The last group of boys to arrive at the platform in the book "Lord of the Flies" are described as wearing uniforms - one boy in uniform and two in the ragged shorts of a naval rating. Their appearance in uniforms symbolizes the remnants of civilization and order amidst the chaos on the island.
blonde hair
Ralph found the conch on the beach shortly after the boys' plane crashed on the deserted island in "Lord of the Flies". It became a symbol of authority and order on the island.
The boys Elected Ralph Chief after meeting at the platform at the begining of the book. This is when they realize it was Ralph who blew the shell and called them there.
The platform by the lagoon in "Lord of the Flies" serves as a place for assembly and discussions among the boys. It symbolizes their fading civilization and order, as well as their attempts to maintain a sense of structure and control on the island.