This link should help!
she was born on may 22nd, 1979. making her 30 years old.
Gulzar Singh Sandhu was born in 1935.
He was born on the 22nd October 1986.
Some of the celebrities who celebrate on May 28th are Kylie Minogue, Elizabeth Filarski, and John Fogerty. See the link for more celebrities.
A few celebrities that were born on December 7 are Emily Browning, Jennifer Carpenter and Tom Waits.
Jordan sparks,ali lohan and Vanessa paradis
Silje StangDecember 22, 19700 Dina MeyerDecember 22, 1968 Vanessa ParadisDecember 22, 1972
As of today (March 25, 2010) a person born on May 22nd 1983 is officially 26 years old.
vanessa hudgens
Katie Price was born on the 22nd May 1978
Katie price was born May 22nd 1978 so she is 32.
Yes, some celebrities born on May 12th include actress Emily VanCamp, musician Steve Winwood, and actor Jason Biggs.
Luna was born on 22nd August 2005 and Isla was born on 20th May 2007
I know one: Malcolm X
May 22nd 1958 was a Thursday.
May 22nd, 1998 fell on a Friday.
May 22nd, 1992 fell on a Friday.