Some kickback ideas for teens are read a good book and study for school.
The book stone cold is about a teenage boy who becomes homeless because of his step-dad vince. His name is link. link decides to move to London and faces the harsh reality of homelessness. there is also a man called shelter who is a killer and kills homeless people read the book to find out if link is shelters next victim.... (hope that was a good enough answer for you wiki users,, read stone cold its a good book i enjoyed reading it and many of my friends have read it to.....x) Sumbum121 xxxxx =D ;)
Respiratory: you breathe to read aloud Nervous system: your brAin helps you comprehend the book
search up the name in google. Or buy the book on ebay for like 10-20 dollars if you find a good person that you can make a very good deal with
The 7th Harry Potter book is called "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'. The movies are the same except they are split in 2 parts. Good book and a good movie. If you have not read the book series, you have some reading to do! Unless you read them you will understand nothing. Good luck
various reasons......... read a book!!
Yes it is a great book to read!
A book.
I have had depression for quite a while, and the thing that usually makes me feel better when i am in a low mood is someone to give me hope and tell me that it will eventually get better, because depression episdoes are the worst times in the patients life. the feeling of misery, hopelessness and emptiness is undescribable! There is a must read book for people with depression called "The Feeling Good Handbook" by David Burns. get this person the book as apresent!
Well, if you read the other books in this series then yes... its a really good book i have read it alot of people that i know have read this book have read this book so if you end of buying it or check it out at your local library or at a school i hope you will enjoy the book!.... ;]
A good book for a Capricorn man who is adopted to read is Adoption Healing by Joe Soll.
NO it is a good book for 4th to 6th graders maybe i m a 5th grader i read it its the best book ever NO it is a good book for 4th to 6th graders maybe i m a 5th grader i read it its the best book ever NO it is a good book for 4th to 6th graders maybe i m a 5th grader i read it its the best book ever NO it is a good book for 4th to 6th graders maybe i m a 5th grader i read it its the best book ever
Yes, the Lily series is a good series to read.
yes i would recommend this book I have never read this book but it seems good
not quite good.
Well when i read the book i felt like it helped me a lot it was suck a good book... lmao jk i did not read it but the things people say about the book is that it was a good book and the want to read it a second time
its not