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Respiratory: you breathe to read aloud

Nervous system: your brAin helps you comprehend the book

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Q: How does your body work together when you read a book?
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How do your body system work together when you read a book?

Respiratory: you breathe to read aloudNervous system: your brAin helps you comprehend the book

Do body systems work together?

Body systems work together to keep the body healthy and the body systems are interdependent (they rely on each other).

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yes... it is a good read for middle schoolers it helps them understand how a family shold work together and the sacrifices they have to make for each other

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The work together by.....

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That is the organismal level. Many organisms have several organ systems.

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they work together buy they both are in the body oh yeah that's how they work

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An organ is a collection of tissues that work together to carry out a specific function in a body. Organs are part of organ systems, which work together to maintain the overall function and health of the body.

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Muscles must work together because you need to move your body.