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Lenny Kravitz

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Q: What black male singer has nose ring?
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Related questions

Is Mya the singer nose ring on the left or the right?

on the right

Does the singer LIGHTS have a nose ring?

No. You can search 'Lights Poxletiner 2011' on google images and she doesn't have a nosering.

How do you tell if a Egyptian goose is male or female?

The male has a black ring around their neck.

Does the lead singer from the ready set have a nose piercing?

Yes. Jordan does indeed have a nose piercing. Currently he has two. A ring on the right side and a stud on the left.

What nose type is right for a nose ring?

Most noses will look good-nice with a nose ring, except big noses!Greek Nose: too high for a nose ring!Roman Nose: too masculine for a nose ring!Dinarid Nose: too masculine for a nose ring!Armenid Nose: too hooked for a nose ring!Syrid Nose: too curved for a nose ring!Arabid Nose: too long for a nose ring!The above is based on an opinion, so best speak to your professional body piercer for the best feed back in regards to your request.

When is nose ring day?

Everyday is nose ring day.

What is a nose ring retainer?

To hold the nose ring watever

Is wearing a black ring on your left ring finger gay for men?

Its a fashion choice. One cannot claim that every single male wearing a black ring on his left ring finger is gay, but some probably are.

Does Kelly Clarkson have a nose ring?

ya she has a nose ring on her left nostril.

Does rft have a nose ring?

He/she used to have a nose ring until his/her mother enlarged the hole and he/she refused to wear the nose ring ever again. It was a tragic thing that scarred him/her forever!

What is a retaining ring?

To hold the nose ring watever

Does kesha have a nose ring?

yes ke$ha has a nose ring is a hoop with a k on the end of it