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Buckethead was the opener for Guns N' Roses when they first came out. But other that, Bucket has never been a member of any band other than his self titled band.

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Q: What bands did buckethead play with?
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Did buckethead play shacklers revenge?

No Buckethead did not play Shackler's Revenge but Buckethead(Brian Carroll) did play various guitar and guitar solo's in Chinese Democracy No Buckethead did not play Shackler's Revenge but Buckethead(Brian Carroll) did play various guitar and guitar solo's in Chinese Democracy

Who taught buckethead to play guitar?

Buckethead had a variety of teachers throughout the years, but his primary teacher was Pebber Brown

What tuning does buckethead play in?

Buckethead uses standard guitar tuningE,A,D,G,B,E

Is it possible to play the guitar as well as buckethead?


What guitar does buckethead play?

Buckethead plays a Gibson les paul. its heavily modified.. he is funny like techno metal and all instrumentals also most the time les paul sometimes other guitars (Improved Answer): Buckethead's Les Paul is an Oversized Les Paul with large tone chambers, with White Hardware (bridge, pickups, etc) an inlay-less ebony fretboard, and instead of the usual les paul control config, He has 1 volume control, 1 Tone Control, The Pickup Selector and A Killswitch. The upper Pot is either left blank or filled with another killswitch.

When was Buckethead born?

Buckethead was born on May 13, 1969.

What is Buckethead's birthday?

Buckethead was born on May 13, 1969.

How may you contact buckethead personally?

Buckethead is a professional guitar player that has played with many rock bands over the years. He is known for wearing a FKC bucket on his head while performing. He has his own webpage bucketheadland dot com and fans can contact him through that page as well as twitter.

What is buckethead's name?

Buckethead's real name is Brian Patrick Carroll

What is the birth name of Buckethead?

Buckethead's birth name is Brian Carroll.

When was Disembodied - Buckethead album - created?

Disembodied - Buckethead album - was created in 1997.

Who is the better guitarist Hendrix or Buckethead?

They are both great guitarist but in my opinion its got too be buckethead ..... probably the best guitarist and shredder i know