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Support bands usually play from 20-45 minutes depending on how many support bands there are until the headline band. The support band right before the headling band will usually play longer than the other support bands.

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14y ago

In a small club, an opening band would play for about half an hour but in a large show, they can play up to an hour or so.

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It wasn't. So-called Dixieland jazz is a journalist coined tag given to bands that play in the in the style of the early, black New Orleans bands but the name derives from the first white jazz band to record which was the Original Dixieland Jazz Band. Hence the term is usually, though not exclusively, applied to white bands that play in that style. However, in Europe, bands who play in this style are referred to as revivalist bands. "Dixieland" is pretty much an American term.

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If you already have an instrument, play it . If you don't, play the tuba or bassoon if you can borrow one. Bands usually supply tubas and bassoons. Bands always need tubas, so you do not have to be very good to win awards. All band instruments require lots of time and effort to learn to play adequately. There are no short cuts regardless which instrument you choose.

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