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Trolls are evil imitations of the Ents brought into being during the Song of the Ainur at the beginning when Melchor corrupted the words and melody of a part of the song.

Trolls are very stupid, large creatures, that are always hungry, but turn into stone when exposed to the light of the sun.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The trolls in the book 'The Hobbit' look clumsy with protruding bellies and long limbs.

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Q: What are trolls like in 'The Hobbit?
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In The Hobbit. Who are William Bert and Tom?

big bad trolls

Where do trolls live in the hobbit?

They normally live in the mountains to the north. In The Hobbit three trolls came down to the edges of the wilderness to catch and eat sheep.

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What do elves look like in The Hobbit?

are you talking about the elve trolls they are ugly i havent watched it but i really do i reaserched online and thats what i heard

Who found the key to the trolls cave in the hobbit?

Bilbo's sharp eyes spot the tiny key. It had evidently fallen out of the pocket of one of the trolls. Otherwise, it would have been turned to stone like their clothes.

Why does Tolkien have the trolls speak Cockney in The Hobbit?

Unlike the trolls in 'LOTR', the trolls in The Hobbit were used for comic relief. The Hobbit is, after all, a childen's story - Tolkien wrote it originally for his own kids, and the troll episode was their favourite part of the whole tale. The idea was trolls could speak a debased form of 'westron' (the 'common tongue'), so Tolkien represented that in English through a Cockney dialect, which in his opinion was probably 'common'. Hope that helps :)

How are the monsters in 'The Hobbit' portrayed?

They are portrayed as either trolls west of the Misty Mountains, or Orcs, in and east of the Misty Mountains. Trolls are, well, trolls. Orcs are Morgoth's twisted copies of Elves

What are the goblins names ine the hobbit?

There are hundreds of goblins in The Hobbit. You probably want to know the names of the 3 trolls. They were William, Bert and Tom.

Who is William in The Hobbit?

One of the three trolls who are interested in cooking 11 dwarves and a burrahobbit.

What kept the trolls bickering and quarreling until the light came up and made an end of them?

I suppose you mean in "The Hobbit". It was Gandalf, who was hidden and disguised his voice to sound first like one of the trolls, then as another, and so forth.

What do the three trolls in 'The Hobbit' like to eat?

William, Bert and Tom were the three trolls.