his face stupid or maybe they are......................... birth marks stupid yet again
Ash's father was shown in the Diamond and Pearl Episode of Galactic Battles"Strategy Begins at Home!" Ash was recalling his past, A man who may be Ash's father appears in a shot in Ash's flashback (though he is blurry and most of his face cannot be seen.) as mentioned in Bulbapedia as well.Click below to see The Episode: watchcartoononline.com/pokemon-season-12-episode-607-strategy-begins-at-home
no ash and dawn do not planing to get married ash and may planing to get married not ash and dawn or ash and misty
Ash in Pokemon??
Ash Hollywood is 5' 2".
Jerome Ash's birth name is Ash, Jerome Harold.
Ash Ketchum doesn't have a birthdate. He's just a cartoon.
ash doesn't have any enemies he only has rivals
His team is everychanging and not the best to copy.
charizard sceptile infernape snorlax pikachu (he win almost all his battles) and pidgeot
His mom gave him a new pair of clothes and got rid of his old clothes, with a pokedex that professor Oak gave him in the episode 274 Gotta Catch Ya Later!
dirty blonde, chesnuts and ash browns with ash blonde streaks in rendom areas hope this helped =]
Ash's father was shown in the Diamond and Pearl Episode of Galactic Battles"Strategy Begins at Home!" Ash was recalling his past, A man who may be Ash's father appears in a shot in Ash's flashback (though he is blurry and most of his face cannot be seen.) as mentioned in Bulbapedia as well.Click below to see The Episode: watchcartoononline.com/pokemon-season-12-episode-607-strategy-begins-at-home
yes in the episode "until we complete again" serena kissed ash on the lips and ash realeased how much serena loves him then he responded happily after the kiss and said a sad goodbye ash many times had said goodbye to his friends but never sad then he realeased that he loves serena.
Volcanoes with high levels of water in their lava produce ash, those with dry lava produce no ash.
Psh, no! Those are just annoying rumors from other people (Not to be offenceve to them). But Misty did like Ash, Ash I think liked Misty.
Hey there! I actually wanted to know the exact same question as you so, yeah! A light ash brown will neutralize red or brassy pigmentation in hairm, whether that's streaks, tones, or underlayers. A light ash brown is a light brown in colour with a hint of grayish tones in it. Not gray exactly but a very dull looking colour. However, meduim ash blonde falls under the blondes category with hints of blonde and brown but not a lot of gray, than light ash brown
Not really. Ash is a Pokemon trainer, one of those who carry Pokeballs which contain Pokemon, but Pikachu stays on his shoulder.