the summoning jutsu is I, INU, TORI, SARU, HITSUJI..........(BOAR,DOG, BIRD, MONKEY,SHEEP).....if u want the pictures of the hand signs try these links.........
A picture of the Hogwarts crest can be found in related links. The four animals (a lion, snake, badger and eagle) each represent the four houses at Hogwarts and the large H in the centre represents the name of the school. The school motto is underneath which says "Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus". In English the motto translates to "Never tickle a sleeping Dragon."
In William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies," new words are introduced to describe Jack and his group of boys as they form their own society on the island. Jack is often referred to as a "tyrant" or "dictator" due to his authoritarian leadership style and desire for power. His followers are described using terms such as "savages" or "hunters" as they become increasingly primal and violent in their actions. These new words reflect the evolving dynamics and descent into savagery within the group.
A word cline is a string of words arranged in terms of strength; for example,blue - low - depressed - miserable - sorrowful.glad - cheerful - delighted - elated - ecstatic.Cline words would fit into the same statement but each would have a different meaning.Example: The water is ________ (warm - hot - scalding).
give five examples of music
Goju ryu Karate is a popular style of Okinawa Karate practiced throughout the world. One would never see the words Jutsu and Do in the same name, as they are two different, and somewhat opposing, philosophies in how one teaches and learns a martial art.
the wizard in dragon dragon is forgetful or absentminded and a misplacer
no there is no way to get it 100% but if you breed any water and ice dragon you will get a chance of getting one. in other words it is completely random. O but there is a way you have to breed Alpine + Firebird dragon worked like a charm 2 me.
komodo dragon
Isnt getting a dragon a mod? I think it is. In other words you cannot.
fly dragon
Aloha: mo'o [mo oh - 2 words] There are some english made up words, but this one is best.
style abstract
school, whales, dragon, ect theres loads of words