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Voldemort, Deatheaters, and in a few of the books Dementors

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Q: What are the things that want to kill harry on harry pottor?
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Why does the ministry want to kill buckbeak in Harry Potter?

Buckbeak was provoked by Draco and later attacked him.

Why did Lord Voldemort want to kill Harry's family?

Voldemort did not enter the Potter's home specifically to kill Lily and James. He was there to kill Harry due to the piece of the prophecy Snape had conveyed to him. However, Voldemort really did not care who he left dead in his wake. James tried to give Lily and Harry a chance of escape, so he was killed without a second thought. Lily stood between Voldemort and the infant Harry. Since Snape requested mercy on Lily's behalf, Voldemort gave her the choice of moving out of his way. When she refused him, he killed her anyway.

Did Sirius Black want to kill Harry Potter?

It was because of the prophecy that Professor Trelawny had made that said that both could not liveSpecifically, all Voldemort finds out of the prophecy is that the one named in the prophecy would have the power to defeat him. He does not find out about the second half, that effectively seals his fate, that neither can live while the other survives or that he will mark that one his equal.

Why did Draco Malfoy cry in the bathroom?

If you mean Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter series, then it's because Harry and Draco had got into a duel in which Harry hit Draco with the Sectumsempra curse, which gives the victim deep, potentially fatal cuts, as if they've been slashed by a sword. Harry did not know exactly what the curse did when he cast it - he'd just seen it labelled as being 'for enemies', and he was shocked by the injuries he accidentally inflicted on Draco.

What is a Grand Sorcerer in Harry Potter?

The characters in Harry Potter aren't referred to a sorcerer's, they are called witches and wizards.The title of the first book in the US is called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The stone belonged to Nicolas Flamel.

Related questions

Why did Harry Potter's dad want to kill him?

James Potter did not want to kill his son.

Why did Voldemort want to kill Harry and James?

Actually his main target was Harry Potter. The reason he wanted to kill him was because of a prophecy.

Was Harry Potter about to kill Ron Weasley when they were fighting?

No. Harry certainly was very angry with him but he didn't want to kill him and regretted the fight because it made Ron leave.

Why did Lord Voldemort want to get his powers back in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

First, he wanted to kill all the Muggle Borns, and later he just wanted to kill Harry.

What does Harry Potter want in the movie?

To kill collect all the horcrux' and kill Voldemort. Also, he wants to be with Ginny Weasley.

Does Harry Potter kill Boldemort?

If you don't want to read the book and you're desperate for the answer, then here.Yes, Harry does kill Voldemort in the 7th book! He kills him at Hogwarts during thefinal battle.

Does Harry Potter kill Voldemort in the Harry Potter book Harry Potter and the deathly hawloows?

If you read it, you shall see... SPOILER ALERT!! If you don't want to know what happens, don't read this: Harry is a Horcrux. He has to kill himself in order to kill Voldemort. When he does, he come back to life later and Voldemort dies.

Why was Draco embarrassed in sixth movie?

Because he was choosen, and he don't want to. He was weak, he don't want to be a really bad guy, okay, he mess with Harry, but this doesn't mean he want to be a death-eater and he want to be kill Dumbledore. If Snapes not kill him, Draco not kill him too.

Why does the ministry want to kill buckbeak in Harry Potter?

Buckbeak was provoked by Draco and later attacked him.

Why didn't Lord Voldemort want to kill Harry in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Lord Voldemort did want to kill Harry. He promised that he wouldn't because Harry had the philosopher's stone and Voldemort wasn't powerful enough to take it off him, but Voldemort was unlikely to actually keep that promise even if Harry had joined his side and handed the stone over.The only reason Voldemort didn't try to kill Harry is because he had no body, he was sharing Quirrell's but had no actual control over him.

How is special about coyotes?

well they can kill things that we dont want

Did the Harry Potter movies ever mention why Voldemort wanted to kill harry?

he had to kill harry because harry was a threat. harrys profecy (well more of it) says that harry has more power than voldormort. so voldomort did not want competion to be the most powerfull wizard. so he tryed to kill harry to iliminate the threat. if you want more the rest of this is info in the 7th book and i belive the chapter is called the princes memories or something like that.