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Q: What are the tame messenger birds in The Hobbit?
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What are the tame messenger birds called in the hobbit?

An American robin passed info on to Radagast, and he had chickadees nesting under his hat.

Can you tame turquonsine birds?

No im afraid not!

Are kingfisher and woodpecker wild birds?

not if you tame them

How do you tame a bird on minecraft?

Unless you are using mods, you can't tame birds because there are none.

Why do farmers sometimes tame secretary birds?

They tame them so they will destroy the vermin outside their houses.

Did Nightingales used to be messenger birds?

Yes....Nightingales would sometimes be used as messenger birds for the king/"emperor" of CHINA

Do birds snuggle?

Yes! Tame ones will if they feel close enough to you.

What animals are there on the Sims 3 pets?

Dogs (stray and tame), cats (stray and tame), horses (tame), wild horses, birds, snakes, lizards, rodents, turtles, raccoons, deer, & unicorns.

What animals live in the great plains?

Wild and tame animals and birds live there...

Are ostriches friendly?

No. One kick from an ostrich and it will kill you. These birds can be very aggressive.

What are the wildest birds on earth?

Any bird who lives in the wild is considered wild. People have tamed many species of birds over the years some are untamable or they have no reason to tame them.

Can you tame an emu?

Emus can become very personable if they are brought up with human contact. They are curious birds, and interested in people and (basically) anything that moves. They can certainly be tame enough to approach and touch, but they will always be unpredictable.