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well they must have used a camera

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Q: What are the special effects in the movie Marley and me?
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What does a special effects coordinator do?

The special effects corrdinator makes the special effects for the movie and also makes it more interesting for the audience

What special effects did they use in the movie GREASE?

The special effects that were used in the movie Grease were created by computer. One of the special effects was the Teen Angel's aura.

Where can you get special effects?

Several movie maker programs on PC's and Mac's offer special effects.

Does the movie Matilda has special effects?

Yes, the movie Matilda has special effects. How else would they have made objects fly around the room?

Which movie has the best special effects?

There is no specific answer for that.

How many movies have special effects in them?

Movie special effects refer to work done through a computer after the film is made. For instance in Avatar they shot the entire movie in front of a green screen and then used special effects to add in the scenery and creatures.

Where can you get effects?

Several movie maker programs on PC's and Mac's offer special effects.

Info on special effects technician description and outlook of the career?

A special effects technician may do a lot of things on a movie or TV set. They are in charge of helping make sure all the sounds and special effects are available and ready for the movie or TV show.

Is Marley from Marley and me dead?

In the movie i believe Marley dies. 99% sure.

Which breed of dog is Marley in Marley and Me?

Marley is a Labrador Retriever in the book and movie "Marley and Me."

What is the state of Jacob Marley at the beginning of the movie?

Marley was dead

What year was the movie Marley and me released?

Marley and Me was released in 2008