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Stevie Rae (Hunted) : Come Save Me by Dan Gateau

Stevie Rae (Untamed) : Hungary by Saints of Silence

Zoey (Hunted) : Nobody on this planet knows

Zoey (Untamed) : Willfully Blind by Saints of Silence

Erik (Hunted) : Rock Me by Stefani K

Erik (Untamed) : Stay by Saints of Silence

Aphrodite : I Warned You by Laura Ault

Neferet : Falling Away by Saints of Silence

House of Night MASH Up : The World Awaits by Corey Crowder

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Go to the house of night website and there are song download links.

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Q: What are the songs in the Website House of Nights?
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Related questions is that were the December nights December lights song packet is?

i dont know what website the December night December lights packets songs.

What are the songs for the house of night series?

If you go on the official website of the House of night series, on there they have some videos with the songs, I am not sure of the exact names of the songs, but I have them saved on my favourites but it's too long, but I am sure if you search the lyrics you hear then you will find the songs. Hope this helps :)

You want to know the songs and artists from the movie soundtrack Talladega nights soundtrack?

A listing of the songs from the Talladega nights soundtrack can be found at:

What songs have lyrics summer nights?

Summer Nights by Rascal Flatts. Its a country song and its really good for parties

How many songs does the band fun have?

FUN actually has a couple albums such as Aim and Ignite and Some nights. Some nights has 9 songs in it, and Aim and Ignite has 17 songs. You can look them up on itunes if you want something more specific

What were the songs from The City with Whitney Port premiere?

one of the songs was circus by britney spears i'm trying to figure out what the song was that went like this: bright lights, long nights HEYY the bright nights, long nights song was "top of the world" by the pussycat dolls

When was House-Sitting Songs created?

House-Sitting Songs was created in 2009.

Does Costco have a house of nights series?

Some locations do carry The House Of Nights Series. They come in as an assortment so they may not have all five books.

When was Songs from the Bilston House created?

Songs from the Bilston House was created in 2007-10.

Where is the house in nights in rodante?

The house in "Nights in Rodanthe" used in the movie was in North Carolina, USA - (According to this Wikipedia page -

Are there any songs by skillet that can help prove to a girl that you like her?

Probably Those Nights??

What are songs with seven in the lyrics?

Theme from "The Magnificent Seven"