Skunk Fu - 2007 The Art of Seeing Blind The Art of Monkey Love 1-24 was released on:
USA: 15 March 2008
If you're referring to the one at the end of the film (the Twitterpated part), she did not have a name. If you mean the main skunk seen through-out the whole movie, sequel and a merchandise: that skunk is a boy (though a very feminine one) and his name is Flower.
petunia is a pig and pepe la pu is a skunk
no he didn't. they just sprayed something green on him.
Skunk Fu - 2007 The Art of Leaving Them Laughing The Art of Monkey Launching 1-2 was released on: USA: 29 September 2007
it is an owl
Eating, seeing, touching
Pig, Dog, ______, Skunk, Monkey, Elephant, Cow Family Feud
The Skunk Song - 1942 was released on: USA: 1942
place a non hurting trap catch the skunk and wait until is dehydrated gently take the trap and place it outdoor to release the skunk
A Union Skunk - 2011 was released on: USA: 14 December 2011
I would call a professional. They probably will use a trap to catch the skunk. Then they will take away the cage while wearing a hazmat suite. Just make sure that the person you hire will release the skunk and not just kill it.
Yes, skunk fumes are hazardous. If they, the skunks, spary you, if you smelt it, it is possible you might faint. Another reason is if the spray goes in your eyes, you might be possibly blind for enternity until it heals.
The skunk is known for using its powerful odor as a defense mechanism against predators. When threatened, a skunk can release a noxious spray from its anal glands that is difficult to remove and highly repulsive to potential threats.
Ned Bruha Skunk Whisperer - 2011 was released on: USA: September 2011
Skunk-Ape Hunters in Texas - 2011 was released on: USA: 23 October 2011