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no he didn't. they just sprayed something green on him.

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Q: Did the dog on the brady bunch get sprayed by a skunk?
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Can the skunk hurt your do The dog was sprayed in the face.?

yes but you can fix it by killing the dog

What should you do if your dog gets sprayed directly in the mouth be a skunk?

If the dog got sprayed, it was probably in too close of contact with the skunk. If a dog is foaming after contact with any animal, that's usually a sign of rabies. You should get it checked out with a vet quickly.

Will my dog get sick by being sprayed by a skunk in the mouth because He has vomited a few times since he was sprayed in the face last night?

I Would see a vet about it but most likely no because skunk spray is not toxic

Can a dog die by getting sprayed by a skunk?

Unless your dog has an allergy specific to that (which I've never heard of), it's extremely unlikely. Your dog will stink something FEROCIOUS, however.. speaking from firsthand experience here. Not only was my dog sprayed, but so was I.

What if a dog won't eat or drink after being sprayed by a skunk?

It probably got skunk spray in its mouth, which can make it hard to taste anything but it. Best way to deal with it is to wash the poor dog's mouth with tomato juice or some other skunk removing substance that's non-toxic. I'd see your vet.

Why do skunks aim for the eyes?

Actually, skunks pretty much point their butts towards any animal that gets too close, and lets fly. However, in the case of a dog that is barking or snapping at a skunk, this results in the dog's face being closest to the skunk, and increases the likelihood of getting sprayed in the eyes.

What 1970's sitcom lost its dog when he wandered off the set to relieve himself and was flattened by a florist truck?

The Brady Bunch. The dog only appeared in the first season of the series.

My dog got sprayed by a skunk last night and today he's acting strange growling at us when we touch him could it be from the spray itself?

If it is not normal for him to be doing this, then maybe it was from the spray itself. If you don't get the answer you wanted from me maybe you should take your dog to the vet.

Write a sentence with the word potent?

"The skunk sprayed my dog, leaving her with a potent, foul odor." "Whiskey at about 90 poof (40% alcohol) is quite a potent liquor." potent=strong, powerful, etc.

What was the name of bobby Brady's dog?

The Brady dog was named Tiger.

Why does dog's urine smell like skunk?

my dog named bowser (LOL.) farts and really smells like a skunk

Is a dog killing a skunk harmful to your dog?

Yes it sadly does