Well it first started when Peeta's dad said I always wanted Katniss' mom to be mine. Then he heard Katniss sing in kindergarten when the teacher had asked someone to sing he fell in love and had a crush on her ever since that moment.
Peetas dad have gave Katniss cookies.
Peeta and Katniss is Penis or Peetas Kats
When Peeta and Katniss are on the train, Peeta tell Katniss that before he left, his mother came to see him. These were Peetas words:"My mom said 'shes a fighter, that one.' she is! She meant you!"
Well Peeta's father wanted to marry Katniss' mother, but she loved Katniss' father because "when he sang, the birds stopped to listen."
it depends on the person you ask. personally, i think Peeta's crush on katniss is real. i think this because Peeta says that he's liked katniss since he first saw her. although, his crush could be "just a strategy"
Peetas dad have gave Katniss cookies.
Peeta and Katniss is Penis or Peetas Kats
Medicine for Peetas leg.
neither of them have brothers
No, because she thinks Peeta is a niggling chigger.
She notices that he was betraying her for a moment cause he was sticking to the careers side . Then he gets to like katniss the end
He is the Seam's baker, brought Katniss cookies before they left for the Games, and fell in love with Katniss's mother when they were younger
the blast of a cannon that means a tribute died
They view them as star-crossed lovers. Hope this helped (:
ups> peeta finally gets to be with katniss, katniss and peeta win the hunger games downs> katniss broke peetas heart, the capitol wants katniss and peeta dead
Prim and Katnisses mother, Gale Hawthorne and Peetas father
she doesn't "leach" peeatas wound she washes it out then puts the medicine she got for her burns on his wound