His known names, usually given to him by various peoples: -Gandalf ("Elf of the Wand", though he is not an elf) by various peoples. Titled as "Gandalf the Grey" and "Greyhame" or later "Gandalf the White". -Mithrandir (Sindarin "Grey Pilgrim", "Grey Wanderer") from the Elves, also used by the Men of Gondor. -Tharkûn, from the Dwarves. -Incánus, from somewhere in the South. -Olórin, which he was called in the West in Aman. He has also been called various other things, some of therm derogatory, although they are not used as proper names.
yes they do her name is Stella gregg she is 9 born on December 3 2001
Jennifer Garner has 3 children
Vocalist: Chad Gray Bassist: Ryan Martinie Drummer: Matthew McDonough Guitarist: Greg Tribbett
Jamie Lee Curtis and Jennifer Grey are not related. Curtis was asked to be on Dancing with the Stars in fall 2010, but she rejected the offer. Jennifer Grey is a contestant on the show. There is no relation, but they are good friends. Biologically they are not related. Jamie Lee Curtis is the daughter of Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh. Jennifer Grey is the daughter of actor/dancer Joel Grey.
Georgiana Spencer could not marry Lord Grey because she had been threated by her husband and she would have lost her children. She knew if she did he would win every thing.
Georgiana would be the great-great however many times Aunt of Princess Diana. Georgiana's older brother was the direct ancestor of Princess Diana. Georgiana is also related to Sarah Ferguson. Georgiana had a child with Charles Grey who is the direct ancestor of the former Duchess of York
Georgiana Cavendish, the Duchess of Devonshire was born Georgiana Spencer. Her brother is a direct ancestor of Princess Diana. When she was 17 she married the 25 year old Duke of Devonshire. He had already had a daughter Charlotte whom Georgiana raised and they had three children of their own Harriette, Georgiana (called little G) and a son nicknamed Hart.When she was in her 30's she had an affair with Charles Grey and had a daughter by him who became the ancestress to Sarah, Duchess of York.She became friends with Elizabeth "Bess" Foster who was the mistress of the Duke (and had two children with the Duke as well)After Georgiana died the Duke married Elizabeth making her the Duchess of Devonshire.
Charles grey is his father
Alix and Kristin, and sons Grey and Benjamin
Charles Edward Grey was born in 1785.
Charles Grey - politician - died in 1984.
Charles Grey - politician - was born in 1903.
George Charles Grey was born in 1918.
Charles Grey was a liberal reformer, probably a broad church Anglican.
Charles Grey - British Army officer - died in 1870.
Charles Grey - British Army officer - was born in 1804.