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Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me
I always feel like sombodys watching me remix.Just type that in on youtube ,first one
"Sometimes it feels like somebody's watching me" by Rockwell.
one week by the barenaked ladies
Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me
lime wire
The song "Somebody's Watching Me" was originally performed by Rockwell, with guest vocals by Michael Jackson.
I always feel like sombodys watching me remix.Just type that in on youtube ,first one
Rockwell...backed up by Micheal Jackson.
Somebody's watching me
Jermaine and Michael Jackson.
"Somebody's Watching Me" has been recorded, remixed, and remastered throughout the decades. The original recording, though, took place in 1983 and was Rockwell's debut single that was released the following year.
Somebodys Watching Me by Mysto and Pizzzi
There are many places one can look to find the lyrics to the song Watching You. Lyrics Now is one website that lists all the lyrics to any songs they know.
If uor talking about the money with eyes...its Someone's Watching Me by Rockwell
Shake You Down