I always feel like sombodys watching me remix.Just type that in on youtube ,first one
"Sometimes it feels like somebody's watching me" by Rockwell.
are the paintings in the geico commercial real
I would start at Geico's website.
Stephanie Courtney
lime wire
Somebodys Watching Me by Mysto and Pizzzi
The Geico Commercial Song is by RockwellHowever it's a remix of his original.The Geico Version is not the Original "Sombody's Watching Me" Song by RockwellAnother answer:"Somebody's Watching Me" is indeed by Rockwell, but the vocal refrain that Geico uses in the commercial was sung by Michael Jackson.
Somebody's Watching Me by DJ Brian Howe
I always feel like sombodys watching me remix.Just type that in on youtube ,first one
"Sometimes it feels like somebody's watching me" by Rockwell.
Somebody's Watching Me by Mysto and Pizzi (http:/wwwzperiodzmystoandpizzizperiodzcom Free download on GEICO's page at http:/wwwzperiodzgeicozperiodzcom/about/commercials/music/kash Actually it was Rockwell...sometime in the early to mid 80's...backup vocals by Michael Jackson. Sorry..worked in the industry for 20 years! :) I am killer at music trivia.
== == Its Mysto & Pizzi Rockwell & Michael Jackson were the original version of the song.
Remix of "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell, by Mysto and Pizzi, with Agent Jackson
The remix of "Somebody's Watching Me" featured in the Geico commercial is not currently available for download or purchase. It was specifically created for the commercial and has not been released as a standalone track.
The witch in the Geico Commercial is Jordana Oberman.
are the paintings in the geico commercial real