The turning point is when Bella is with the Cullens in a field during a thunderstorm while they play Baseball and 3 vampires appear. They are 3 nomad vampires named James (a tracker), Laurent, and Victoria (James' mate). Then when James smells Bella's scent he wants to kill her. That's when most of the action begins.
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twilight is about a group of vampires who live in a small town called forks, it is almost always raining so they can come out during day time. a girl named Bella moves to forks and attends the same school as the vampire family. she learns their secret and she ends up falling in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen. thought it is not easy for her to love him nor he to love her in return , because he will always have a massive erg to taste her blood.
well Bella Swan meets Edward Cullen who is a vampire and they play baseball then another group of vampires (who are "carnivores" unlike the cullens who are "vegetarians") and James ,one of the "carnivores", traps Bella and tortures her but the Cullens save her... so yeah
There are quite a few events in Breaking Dawn.
1. Bella gets pregnant
2. She has a baby named, Rennesme
3. She becomes a vampire
4. Jacob imprints on Bella's baby
5. Jacob leaves the pack and starts his own
6. Alice and jasper leave
7. The Valtri comes to try to destroy Rennesme and the Cullens contacts all the other vampires to help stop them.
8. Bella makes Jane mad. haha.
9. Alice and Jasper come back and stops a full flege war/saves Rennesme
10. Bella reverses her power so she can let Edward read her thoughts. (so romantic!)
basically, edward falls in love with a human (Bella) and then takes her out on a date to go play baseball with the rest of the cullens. there they meet James and lauran and Victoria. James finds out Bella is a human and trackes her sent and tries to kille her, but edward gets there just in time. James bites Bella on the wrist and edward sucks the venom out of her veins- allmost killing her.
One could argue that there are 2 climaxes in Twilight. The first taking place in the woods near Forks High School when Bella confronts Edward about being a Vampire. The second climax occurs when James lures Bella to an empty dance studion and nearly kills her before Edward and his brothers come to her aid.
not in any sort of order but here they are:
1. Bella and Edward have there first fight :(
2. Bella sleep's at Edwards house
3. Edward accepts Jacob as Bella's best freind
4. Bella agree's t marry Edward
5. Bella kisses Jacob and realises that she love him more than Edward. :D
6. Edward 'kid nape's' Bella for the night
7. Edward and Jacob stay in the same room for the night
8. Bella and Edward make a 'compromise'
9. Rosalie has a freindly chat to Bella
10.Bella punches Jacob and brakes her hand
The major events in the book twilight eclipse are-
1.Bella is not grounded anymore
2.An intruder came into Bella's room and took some of her clothes.
3.Edward proposes to Bella.
4.Jacob confesess his love for Bella.
5.Newborn vampires attack the Cullen clan.
6.Jacob hears about Bella and Edward's engagement and storms out of the scene.
7.Bella kisses Jacob and realises that she loves him more than Edward.
8.Victoria is killed along with her mate Riley.
9.The Cullen clan wins the battle!
In Twilight the main events are Bella's romance with Edward,
who is a vampire, um, a baseball game, where James Starts to hunt Bella,
Its Midnight Sun and its Edward's version of what happened in Twilight.
She died in a car crash
Radio7 was launched
Wow! Dreams would come true and the world would be a happier place! lol
It ended; it's returning September 8th, 2013.