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The young couple in the play "The Never Never Nest" by Cedric Mount are some of the humorous elements. The play is all about comic.

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Q: What are the humarous elements in the play the never never nest by cedric mount?
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What is Cedric's Diggory patronus?

It never actually says in the books or the movies.

Do Cedric and Cho kiss in Harry Potter?

It is known that during Goblet of Fire, Cho Chang and Cedric Diggory date. They attended the Yule Ball together and during Order of the Pheonix Cho mentions how she'd been dating Cedric and they'd once went on a date the Madam Puddifoot's coffee shop in Hogsmeade. Madam Puddifoots is often filled with kissing couples so one can guess Cho and Cedric might have kissed there aswel, or some other time as they very muich loved each other. During the Triwizard Tournament's second task Cho was taken hostage as the ting Cedric would miss most. Though it never mentions them kissing, it also doesn't say they didn't. However in Order of the Pheonix we witness Cho kissing Harry after Cedric's death.

How tall is Cedric Diggory?

According to his profile, Albus Dumbledore was 5'11".

Who is Cedric Diggory in the Harry Potter series?

Cedric Diggory is a character in the Harry Potter series. He was two years older than Harry and was in Hufflepuff. He was a seeker for his Qudditch house team. In his sixth year he beat Harry in a Qudditch match when Harry fell of his broom because of the dementors. In his final year at Hogwarts he entered the Triwizard Tournament and was picked as the first Hogwarts champion. He was killed in the graveyard for being 'the spare'. He is played by Robert Pattinson in the film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and in a flashback in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Will never say never 3D be on a DVD?

Never Say Never is on DVD but it isn't in 3D