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One person walking alone at night is considered more dangerous than two or more people walking together at night. It's safety in numbers. It's like when fish or animals group together to be more safe from predators.

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14y ago
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11y ago

If you're smart and not a dipship then there is no danger. Eff the police.

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8y ago

They should be able to but I am afraid that they may be attacked by bad people.

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Q: What are the dangers of being out after curfew?
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Curfew is not covered by the US constitution. The Bill of Rights will not prevent a legally created curfew from being enforced. Yes, curfews can be enforced.

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In Columbus, Ohio, the curfew for minors (under 18) is 10:00pm on weeknights and 12:00am on weekends. Minors are not allowed to be in public places during curfew hours unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Violating the curfew may result in a warning or being taken home by police.

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When Ponyboy comes in after his curfew in "The Outsiders," he is scolded by his older brother, Darry. Darry is angry and worried about Ponyboy breaking curfew because he is concerned for his safety and well-being. Ponyboy then storms off in a fit of frustration.

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There is no curfew anywhere in The Netherlands.

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"Curfew" is a noun.