His favourite book as a child was Charlie and the Chocolate factory.
An Oompaa Loompa is not a WHO but a WHAT. They are a species of little men form charlie in the chocolate factory.
Choreographer was Francesca Jaynes who collaborated with Tim Burton previously in 'Charlie and The Chocolate Factory'.
There were five Golden Tickets: # Charlie # Verruca Salt # Mike TV # Violet Beauregaurd # Augustus Gloop And there was the counterfeit one that they guy in South America made up. Charlie was the last one to find a ticket.
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
loopma oompa
They are the creatures who work in the factory in Roald Dahls book, 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'.
Charlie took his Grandpa Joe.
Charlie's last name in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is Bucket.
Charlie's last name in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is Bucket.
Charlie Bucket's house and the chocolate factory (:
1930 he make charlie and the chocolate factory
charlie & the chocolate factory passes a year.
The Production Budget for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was $150,000,000.
Charlie's last name in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is Bucket.
who fell in the chocolate river,in charlie and the chocolate factory
Phillip Rousselot was the Director of Photography for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.