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X is to count some one out, ring the bell when they submit, or to pin. The other controls are the same as if you were the wrestler in the match.

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Q: What are the controls when you are the ref on WWE Smackdown vs Raw?
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Can you be the ref in Smackdown vs. RAW 2011?

No, there is no Special Referee match in Smackdown vs. Raw 2011.

How do you hide behind the ref in smackdown vs raw 08 on wii?

If you hadn't noticed but when you buy the game it comes with a game manual which you read to find out the controls.

How can you be special guest ref on smackdown vs. raw 2009?

you cant retards

How do you be the ref in Smackdown vs Raw 2010?

You have to do one of the superstars campaigns. You can't do a special ref match just for fun.

Can you be a referee in Smackdown vs Raw 2009?

during the triple h road to wrestlemania you are the special guest ref in a wwe title match between Shawn micheals and randy orton. other then that no

Can you attack the ref in Smackdown vs Raw 2009 for PS3?

The only times you can Ref a match are in the road to wrestilmania. one time is as Randy Orton, you ref a match between Ted dibeasi And cody rhodes. the other is as Edge and you ref between the Big show and Finlay.

Can you be a referee on Smackdown vs Raw 2010?

no sorry But in edges Road To wrestlemaina (RTW) You are a ref in a doulf ziggler vs big show match.

Special referee match in smackdown vs raw 2010?

Yes. You can unfortunately no do it in exhibition, but in both Edge and Randy Orton's Road to Wrestlemanias you become guest ref.

Can you increase a divas hard core score in smackdown vs raw 2010?

YES BUT IT IS VERy hard to,,,,,, Just knock out the ref grab a chair and it's up

Where do you go to get special referee on Smackdown vs Raw 2009?

on main event mode you complete it with every character you unlock big daddy V, cage mode and non blurred nudity for the divas

How do you unlock the ref in smackdown vs raw 2010 for ps2?

Sorry you cannot unlock referee's in svr 2010 but their is Randy orton's referee attire that you must unlock in Randy orton's RTWM

Can you be a referee in Smackdown vs Raw 2011?

become wwe champion 10000 times as randy orton and only works on svr09 for psp sorry. become wwe champion 10000 times as randy orton and only works on svr09 for psp sorry.