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Stardust Dragon Assault Mode, without a doubt.

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Q: What are the best yu-gi-oh wind monsters?
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Best yugioh 4 star 1800 attack monsters?

Alexandrite Dragon is strongest.

Who is died in yu-gi-oh?

Atem the spirit of the Pharaoh also known as Yami died at the end of Yugioh Duel Monsters. In Yugioh 5ds all of the former main characters from Yugioh GX and Yugioh Duel Monsters are dead. (most likely by age)

Yu-Gi-Oh capsule monsters in japan?

No yugioh capsule monsters is a 4kids film.

In yugioh If you have two monsters that cant be targeted can your opponent attack you directly?


How do you Make Dark Synchro Monsters on Yugioh Card Maker?

you cant

In Yugioh the card game can you put monsters on the field to the graveyard just to get some space?

No.You can put monsters in the graveyard only when your monsters are defeated.

Do your monsters get effected by the Yugioh card Solemn judgment?

You can use Solemn Judgment on the summon of one of your own monsters, if you wish.

Is there a Yugioh online rpg that's free not for just 10 days though?

The best I have played is LackeyCCG and even better Byond (Duel Monsters Genesis)

Where can you download yugioh 5Ds episodes?

Best place to watch any episodes of Yugioh, Yugioh GX, Yugioh 5D's, and Yugioh Zexal is at the website

Can you get Black Skull Dragon in Yugioh Capsule Monsters Coliseum?

no you can't combine any of the monsters. that is unless there's something i missed!

How do you get crystal beast monsters?

by a Jesse starter deck for yugioh gx. it will have crystal beasts

What is the difference between Gemini monsters and effect monsters in Yugioh?

geminis must be summoned a second time to get the effect while effect monsters only need one summon