The whole movie is fairly inaccurate. The atrocities committed by the british in the movie never happened, for one (the war in S. Carolina was brutual, but it was basically a civil war between loyalist and rebel neighbors). The harmonous racial relations showed in the movie were so incrediably inaccurate as to be almost laughable. internet searches will probably disclose numerous detailed lists by revolutionary war reanactors of the many, many problems with the battle scenes, etc.
There really was a Roman emperor named Marcus Aurelius, and he had a son named Commodus, who succeeded him. In contrast to the movie, Marcus named Commodus his successor, rather than Maximus. However, some historians suspect Commodus did have a hand in his father's death. Commodus did not die in the arena. He was killed by a wrestler. After Commodus' death, Rome did not return to a republic as suggested in the movie. General Maximus Decimus Meridius is a fictitious character. There was a general named Avidius Cassius, who fought in the campaign depicted in the film and, upon hearing of Marcus' death, declared himself emperor of Rome. However, his own soldiers assassinated him. Later in Roman history, there was a general named Maximus, who appears to have had revolutionary ideas. Commodus really did have a sister named Lucilla, and, as depicted in the movie, she hated him. Lucilla was married to the co-emperor, Lucius Verus. Lucilla plotted to have Commodus assassinated, but Commodus had her exiled for the plot and later executed. So, unlike what happened in the movie, Commodus outlived his sister. It was another sister, not Lucilla, that Commodus was rumored to have had sexual relations. The tattoo on Maximus' arm reads, "SPQR." The letters relate to an often-used Latin phrase, Senatus Populusque Romanus, which means "the Senate and People of Rome." However, it is highly unlikely a Roman general would have such a tattoo, as tattoos were worn by foreigners and lower-class citizens.
Glory, the epic account of the 54th Massachusetts, one of the first all-black regiments in the Civil War, contains numerous historical inaccuracies. Some of them are minor. For instance, the regiment’s climactic assault against Battery Wagner, the Confederate stronghold guarding Charleston harbor, actually took place from south to north, rather than north to south as depicted in the movie. But many of the inaccuracies are major. Robert Gould Shaw, played in the movie by Matthew Broderick, was not Governor Andrew’s first choice to command the regiment. When the command was offered him, he hesitated before deciding to accept. More seriously from the standpoint of historical accuracy, the 54th, portrayed in the movie as made up largely of runaway slaves like John Rawlins (Morgan Freeman) or Private Trip (Denzel Washington) was in fact, a regiment of freedmen, like Thomas Searles (Andre Braugher), recruited not only from Massachusetts but New York and Pennsylvania as well. Two of Frederick Douglass’s sons were among the first to volunteer for the 54th and Lewis Douglass, the elder son, served from the outset as the regiment’s sergeant-major. At the time of the Civil War, most Southerners believed that blacks were naturally servile. But there was doubt about their manly spirit in the North as well. In the movie, a reporter from Harper’s Monthly says to Matthew Broderick’s Col. Shaw, "will they fight? A million readers want to know." To which Shaw replies, "a million and one," illustrating the fact that in 1863, even elite New England abolitionists had their doubts about the manliness of blacks. By inaccurately depicting the 54th as a regiment of former slaves, Glory reveals the deeper truth that blacks in general were not the natural slaves that Southerners believed them to be and that abolitionists feared that they might be. "Who asks now in doubt and derision, ’Will the Negro fight?’" observed one abolitionist after the assault of the 54th against Battery Wagner. "The answer is spoken from the cannon’s comes to us from...those graves beneath Fort Wagner’s walls, which the American people will never forget."
We do not know for sure, but there is some discussion that Lincoln may have been gay, or bisexual.
The best scenes in Romantic Movies is from the movie known as "Gone with the Wind". This original movie was from 1939 and had some very great scenes with the persons from the movie.
The Movie Mr Headmistress was filmed there along with some scenes from the movie Silent Hill. also the image was used in the movie Orphan
Zulu. It has some historical inaccuracies, but it is a very good and entertaining film.
Lincoln's Birthplace Memorial
the center light would have simply been off
civil war lincoln was assassinated
Andrew MacNair and Abraham Lincoln
Some facts with alot of fiction. The special effects are good. The aircraft & ships for the most part are realistic. The action scenes are great.The movie Tora, Tora, Tora has more facts, less fiction. However the aircraft, ships & special effects are less realistic.I like both movies, although both movies have some historical inaccuracies.
The book describes the king of Persia as 'Ahasuerus'. Although there would be some historical inaccuracies, many Bible commentaries observe that Ahasuerus is likely the Hebraicised version of King Xerxes, the Achaemenid leader who ruled from 486 to 465 BCE.
Some potential inaccuracies in the experiment could include not using a large enough sample size to ensure statistical significance, not controlling for external factors that could affect the decay rate, and using an inappropriate method for measuring the half-life. Additionally, if the experiment does not continue for a sufficient number of half-lives, the accuracy of the measurement may be compromised.
You may be referring to a TV movie, "Killing Kennedy." It is based on a book by Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly. While the book was a best-seller, some historians have taken it to task for historical inaccuracies, while others have said it was interesting and well-written. That said, there have been a number of movies and TV programs about John F. Kennedy, and there have also been numerous debates about the accuracy of these representations of Kennedy's life. pop culture A+ :)
No, it is a different treatment of the life of Caesar. Of course, since both the movie and the play are based on the historical facts, there are bound to be some similarities.
Some movies are made from historical events. Things like war can decrease production or viewing of a movie. Recessions can also bring down the production or viewing of a movie.
Some weaknesses of the film "Rizal in Dapitan" include a lack of depth in character development, historical inaccuracies, and pacing issues. The film may also oversimplify complex events from Jose Rizal's life and fail to capture the full complexity of his ideas and actions.