well there's the ultra cute pigtails, two buns on the top sides of your head, braids are cute, side-bangs and a headvand is also really good, whatever you do dont cut it really short
Choclates and candy...Mabye!
He probably likes ten-year old girls as fans, but as he is 17, he probably isn't interested in dating them or having them as girlfriends.
they make about 3million a year
Nope. Adults do not "date" 14 year old girls.
In my opinion either long hair or shoulder length
Try putting it in a bun and on the Side let some hair fall but curly
Taking back Sunday style hair is a good way to go for a 14 year old boy with long hair cause all the scene girls or regular girls would find that attractive
It's very different from person to person. Definently layered though! I was already coloring my hair pink and black back then, but I would suggest a solid black, red or blonde color and some layers, and bangs :)
layers are always cute but sometimes getting a shorter hair is a good idea trying to be di different
Well,short brown hair usually looks good when it is curled,so curly.
when i was looking for my haircut. i went to google images and typed in "emo hairstyles"
when i was 12 i looked good in a layered hair cut but someothere cute looks on girls are a bob, boob cut, and there are many other cuts now in days there are a lot of emo girls or boys, or goth boys or girls, so i say just go with whatever your kid want to have there hair look like let them do it because it is there life!
maybe like sideswept bangs, or medium length straightened hair
zayn likes girls of his age ;)
a pony tail or bun
Pig tails are cute for a 3 year old. Also you could do plaits/braids french or otherwise.