Hmmm'I think this is pretty challenging.I'm not completely sure what you mean by Trivia but this riddle may be what your looking for.
This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out. Try to do so without any coaching!
I'm going to put the answer at the very bottom in case you need it.
Answer: NO E's. E is the most commonly used letter yoet their are none in here.
Yes he is a half-blood wizard. He was the son of Merope Gaunt, a pure-blood witch and a descendant of Salazar Slytherin and a muggle Tom Riddle Sr.
In the first harry potter, Tom riddle is unknown but he is voldemort. If voldemort was a prefect in the 2nd book, meaning he was in his 5th year, so he was 15-ish. But that was 50 years prior to the 2nd book meaning Voldemort was about 65 years old in the 2nd book making Tom Riddle around 64 years old in the first Harry Potter.
Tom Marvolo Riddle was a Slytherin Half-Blood who would later be known as Lord Voldemort. He didn't want to keep his muggle father's name (Riddle) (Muggle; non-magical person) so he fashioned a new name out of the letters in his birth name. Tom Marvolo Riddle is an anagram of I am Lord Voldemort.
Good question. She's half Cherokee Indian and half Irish.
book 7 chapter 31 the battle of hogwarts on page 625
If you post your riddle on my profile page, I'm sure I could help you out!!what looks like half apple?
The riddles were used to unlock each chapter in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
The mythical creature that is half lion and asks riddles is the sphinx. In Greek mythology, the sphinx is known for posing riddles to travelers and killing those who could not answer correctly.
The answer to the man on the moon riddle is "He feels that half of his life is n life support."
hes was 15
Dad's 1st Riddle: Yesterday, Today, TomorrowDad's 2nd Riddle: Paint or Coat of paintCharlie's 1st Riddle: RCharlie's 2nd Riddle: NStirling's Riddle: Hamilton & Spring Grove, Hamilton & Spring Grove, Abbot & Spring Grove, Abbot & Spring Grove. (Just do both of them twice)Ruthie's 1st Riddle: White, Pink, Blue, YellowRuthie's 2nd Riddle: Are You Sleeping?School Yard Girl's Riddle: Harriet's are big with metal wheels, Anna's are small with wooden wheels, Kate's are big with wooden wheels, and Sarah's are small with metal wheels.Jacob's Riddle: Stirling is pitcher, Roger is 3rd base, Kate is 1st Base, and Harriet is 2nd Base.Roger's Riddle: Breath or Your BreathWill's Riddle: 11Aunt Millie's 1st Riddle: WholesomeAunt Millie's 2nd Riddle: DozensAunt Millie's 3rd Riddle: Half A PoundAunt Millie's 4th Riddle: 3Aunt Millie's 5th Riddle: 7.5(I really hope I helped anyone who needed these answers; on most cheat websites they only give you the really easy riddles. So. . .yeah, hope I helped. Enjoy the Answers! :) P.S If anyone needs more answers on ANY of the mysteries, I'm happy to help)Thanks sooooo much!! -14seneca5de
story mode
Yes he is a half-blood wizard. He was the son of Merope Gaunt, a pure-blood witch and a descendant of Salazar Slytherin and a muggle Tom Riddle Sr.
i am less than 100. the sum of my digits is 4 half of me is an odd number
the trick is that there is a vowel at the end of disd.
Here are the answers to "give me some good riddles?" 1. an envelope 2. nothing 3. time 4. Ohio 5. look in the mirror, see what you saw, take the saw cut the table in half, put wo halves together to make a whole, jump through the hole and leave. 6. time 7. the horse is named Friday 8. It is the river called Left